Javier Espinosa
Javier Espinosa

Associate Professor

About Me

I am a computer scientist broadly interested in the domains of databases and distributed systems. I am an associate professor in the Computer Science Department of the University of Lyon 1 and a research scientist of the Information Systems group at the ERIC research lab.

I am former researcher at TU Delft, the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, the joint French-Mexican LAFMIA lab, and the LIG and LIRIS CNRS labs.

I am a member of the ACM and a fellow of the Mexican AMEXCOMP.

  • Data Intensive Systems
  • Big Data
  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Visualization
  • PhD in Computer Science

    University of Grenoble, France

  • MSc in Computer Science

    UDLAP, Mexico

  • BEng in Computer Systems

    UDLAP, Mexico

Visited Places


  • Department of Informatics
    Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
    Bât. Nautibus, Campus la DOUA
    25 av. Pierre de Coubertin, 69622 Villeurbanne, France

  • ERIC: Knowledge Engineering Research Lab
    Université Lumière Lyon 2
    Bât. K, Campus Porte des Alpes
    5 av. Pierre Mendès France, 69676 Bron Cedex, France